ICALP - The 45th International Colloquium on Automata, Languages, and Programming, 09.–13. 07. 2018, Prague 6
By completing the registration form the participant agrees with the use of the data provided for the above-mentioned conference/symposium only according to the article 6/1/a of GDPR.
Registration form (Step 1 of 2)
Please, fill in the Registration form below. Payment will be realized in the second step after submitting the Registration form. In case of any difficulties please contact us: conforg@conforg.cz
Tato událost se již uskutečnila.
16. 02. 2018 to 31. 05. 2018 |
01. 06. 2018 to 11. 07. 2018 |
Regular | ||
Regular with workshop (Please write to the Remark which workshop you plan to attend ) | ||
Student | ||
Student with workshop (Please write to the Remark which workshop you plan to attend ) | ||
Workshop only (Please write to the Remark which workshop you plan to attend ) | ||
Accompanying Person | ||
Accompanying person | ||
Basic information about ICALP - The 45th International Colloquium on Automata, Languages, and Programming
All fees have to be paid before the event, i.e. latest by June 30, 2018.
Workshops If registering for the workshops, please write to the remark which one(s) you plan to attend [MOLI, Game solving, PAAW, Infinity, Temporal Graphs, Constrained Recognition Problems, Algorithms and Lower Bounds].
Registration includes all workshops; we will use the information to allocate rooms of appropriate sizes.
Participant fee includes all technical sessions, lunches and coffee breaks on the respective days. The fee for the main conference includes also a welcome party on Tuesday, July 10 and a conference dinner on Thursday, July 12.
Accompanying persons fee incudes a welcome party on Tuesday, July 10, walking tour to Prague places of interest (entrance fees are not included) on Wednesday, July 11, and, a conference dinner on Thursday, July 12.
CANCELLATION POLICY: 75 % of the registration fee will be refunded for all written cancellations postmarked no later than June 15, 2018. After that date no refund of registration fee will be provided.
Hotel PyramidaBělohorská 24
169 00 Prague 6
Additional information
The series of workshops on Monday July 9 will take place at Charles University, at Mala Strana (Malostranske namesti 2/25, Praha 1) - see https://goo.gl/maps/gYBEPewHbvT2 or ICALP website. The main ICALP 2018 conference is held in the hotel Pyramida, July 10-13,2018.
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